Monday, May 4, 2009

Never trust the weather forecast!

Well, I really hope all of you enjoyed the beautiful sunny Saturday afternoon that would have been perfect for shooting a music video!

We're yet to reschedule, but as soon as we've got a new date, we shall let you know.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Rain or Swine Flu

Looks like the weather forecast still says rain tomorrow, and it's getting worse :(

So, while standing on a rooftop in the rain, eating soggy hot dogs and putting all the things we love on the wet ground might add a nice dramatic twist to the video, it's not every one's idea of fun so we're gonna postpone the final loved up day of shooting till the weather looks brighter... 

It is my personal belief that the final date will be bigger, better and even more loved up with more of you lovely folks in town to join the fun!  We don't have a second date yet but watch this space and we would love all of you and more to come for love day #2!!!!

We'll keep you posted and look forwards to seeing you all and your well loved bits and pieces then!

Lots of love,

a soggy Cariad and Rach...

x x